FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What language is the film in?

A. Spanish and English. You can choose a English subtitle, English caption, Spanish subtitle, or Spanish caption.

Q. Subtitles vs. captions, what’s the difference?

A. Captions are a text version of the spoken part of the film. Subtitles are a text version of all audio—the spoken and unspoken audio (description of sounds and music, etc.), they assume the viewer cannot hear any audio (i.e. is deaf or hard of hearing).

Q. What will I receive in my partner screening kit?

A. After signing a license agreement to screen the film, you will receive a:

  • Host Screening Kit: Dear Homeland — This includes a planning checklist, social media kit, and more to help guide your planning.

  • Your Post-Screening Reflections – Share your reflections after the event along with how many people attended, what moved you, and any photos/group screenshots you'd like us to add to the official screening tour album.

  • The film itself – You will receive film screening links from us (via Vimeo): one with English subtitles and another with Spanish subtitles. If you need a different version, please let us know. 

Q. Latine/x/a/o and Hispanic, why use both?

A. For this project, we are choosing to use multiple terms when referring to communities of Latin America and the Latin American diaspora including Latino, Latina, Latine, Latinx and Hispanic. 

On Latinx, we use this term with intention  as a nod toward greater inclusion of women, LGBTQ+ and nonbinary Latinos. This term  has received widespread use on social media, viral millennial Latino media and academic writing.

The use of “Latinx” varies depending on cultural background, generation, location and proximity to academia. We understand that not everyone uses the term and we’ll continue to listen, assess and remain agile as terms to describe ourselves and our respective communities develop and shift over time.

Q. How long is the film? 

A. The film is 57 minutes.